From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Database access control

Database access control

- [Instructor] Databases use several types of authentication and authorization techniques to protect the sensitive data that they contain. Database authentication uses many of the same concepts that we've already talked about. You can create database users who may then authenticate to the database using passwords or other authentication mechanisms. The specific technologies available to you will depend upon the database platform that you're using. For example, Microsoft SQL Server supports three types of user authentication. In SQL Server authentication mode, the database uses local user accounts that are created inside of the database server. In Windows authentication mode, the database uses the Windows accounts available through the underlying operating system, which may be using centralized authentication through Active Directory. And in mixed authentication mode, you can use both local accounts and Windows accounts. Other database platforms may use similar authentication…
