From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Drivers for cloud computing

Drivers for cloud computing

- [Instructor] Organizations choose the cloud for some or all of their IT workloads for a variety of different reasons. Let's take a look at a few of the key drivers for cloud computing. First, the cloud offers on-demand, self-service computing. This means that technologists can access cloud resources almost immediately when they need them to do their job. That's an incredible increase in agility for individual contributors and by extension, the organization. Before the era of on-demand computing, a technologist who wanted to try out a new idea might have to spec out the servers required to implement that idea, gain funding approval, order the hardware, wait for it to arrive, physically install it, and configure an operating system, before getting down to the real work. Now, that might have taken weeks, while today, the same tasks can be accomplished in the cloud in a matter of seconds. On-demand, self-service computing is a true game changer. Cloud solutions are also scalable. This…
