From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Emergency management

Emergency management

- [Narrator] Emergency plans are an important component of an organization's commitment to employee safety. Organizations should conduct a risk assessment to identify the major risks to employee safety, and then develop emergency response plans that dictate how they will respond if each event occurs. Some emergency management plans are pretty commonplace. For example, almost every organization has a fire plan that explains how employees and managers should respond to the event of a fire in the facility. This plan includes notifying the fire department, evacuating the building reassembling at a designated location and accounting for everyone who is inside. The organization's fire plan also likely includes regular fire drills that ensure that employees remain familiar with these procedures. Organizations should also develop plans for protecting employees in the event of a weather emergency. The exact nature of these weather emergencies will vary from region to region, but they may…
