From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Limiting data collection

Limiting data collection

- Limiting data collection is the most important way that an organization can protect personal privacy. If an organization doesn't collect personal information in the first place, it can't abuse, lose or otherwise mistreat that information. Privacy principles require that organizations provide individuals with notice of the information they collect, the ways that they use it, and obtain consent of those individuals for that use. And this is just the first barrier to data collection. Organizations should never collect information that falls outside of the disclosures that they've made to individuals, even if it's easy to do so, or seems to be incidental to the approved purpose. If you do have a legitimate need to collect more information than you've disclosed, you should revise your disclosures, notifying individuals of the information that you're collecting, and how you will use it. Obtain new consent prior to collecting new information. When you do have a legitimate need to collect…
