From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Measuring compliance and security posture

Measuring compliance and security posture

- [Narrator] Security training is an important component of any organization's information security program. If employees don't know their security responsibilities, you can't depend upon them to do their part to protect information. It's important that organizations take steps to measure the effectiveness of their security education efforts. Earlier we looked at one way to measure security awareness through the use of simulated phishing campaigns. This really is a great way to measure the effectiveness of anti phishing education programs, but you don't need to go to this great length to measure the effectiveness of your overall security awareness efforts. Measuring efforts don't need to be complicated. One easy way to measure the effectiveness of your program is to simply ask users how they feel about security education. In a survey, you might just ask them, how well do you think our organization prepares you to deal with cybersecurity threats? Or do you know your information…
