From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Memory vulnerabilities

Memory vulnerabilities

- [Narrator] Computers have to manage the memory resources used by both the operating system and applications. When a single system supports many different uses, it becomes critical to isolate the memory used by each process to prevent that memory from being read or altered in an unauthorized way. We covered the issues associated with memory overflows earlier in this course. You learned how attackers can exploit overflow vulnerabilities to overwrite the contents of memory belonging to other processes and trick the system into executing attacker-provided code with administrative privileges. One of the issues that we need to watch for with memory or any other limited resource on a system is resource exhaustion. Whether intentional or accidental, systems may consume all of the memory, storage, processing time, or other resources available to them, rendering the system disabled or crippled for other uses. Memory leaks are one example of resource exhaustion. If an application requests…
