From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Network topologies

Network topologies

- [Instructor] The simplest network topology is known as the bus network. In a bus network, every device is attached to a single wire, and everything that any device sends on the network is received by all other devices on the network. Devices simply ignore anything that they receive that is an address to them. The original ethernet design was intended for use on bus networks, and these networks were commonly used because they were both inexpensive and easy to wire. However, the bus network has very significant limitations. First, only a single system on the network can transmit at any given time. And second, this network topology depends upon a single wire, which if broken severs the entire network. Finally, bus networks pose a security issue because any device on the network can eavesdrop on traffic intended for any other device on the network. For these reasons, bus networks are not very commonly used these days. Ring networks used a topology very similar to the bus, except devices…
