From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Physical access control

Physical access control

- [Instructor] Many physical security controls are concentrated around the perimeter of a facility, attempting to deter, prevent, and detect intrusions before an intruder gains access to interior secured areas. Locks are a familiar type of physical security control. They restrict access through a door or other locked portal to those who possess the key required to unlock them. This key may be a traditional physical key, or it may use another authentication factor. The physical locks that you're probably most familiar with are called preset locks. They use a hardware key to lock and unlock, and they'll only work if the correct key that the lock has been preset to work with is inserted. Incorrect keys will not open the lock. If you use physical keys, you should carefully control them with a physical key management program that keeps a strong inventory of keys, tracking who has which key, and changes locks when a key is lost or stolen. Cipher locks are often used on areas where many…
