From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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PKI and digital certificates

PKI and digital certificates

- [Instructor] The public key infrastructure, or PKI, solves many of the practical issues associated with the web of trust by introducing the concept of certificate authorities. Instead of relying upon the peer-to-peer trust relationships that Zimmermann proposed in the web of trust model, the public key infrastructure relies upon the trust that participants have in highly-trusted centralized service providers. These providers, known as certificate authorities, form the basis of the public key infrastructure. Certificate authorities verify the identities of individuals and organizations and then issue them digital certificates, vouching that the public key associated with that individual or organization actually belongs to them. The process that we use is fairly similar to the one used to issue government identification cards in the physical world. If you want to obtain a driver's license, you go to your region's Department of Motor Vehicles. When you arrive, you're asked to prove…
