From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Power control

Power control

- [Instructor] Data centers require massive amounts of electricity to run properly, and data center managers must be carefully attuned to those power needs, ensuring a consistent and reliable supply of clean power to the facility even when disruptions occur. To meet this objective, data centers often rely upon redundant power supply systems that use multiple sources of power simultaneously so that if one source fails, the other can pick up the slack, and keep the facility running. Data centers also use backup power supply strategies to accommodate any external failures. This normally includes the use of uninterruptible power supplies or UPSs that contain batteries capable of running the equipment in a single rack of servers or an entire facility for just a few minutes. The goal of the UPS is to tolerate brief outages, and in the event of a longer outage, to provide enough time for larger backup generators to kick in, and begin generating enough power to run the facility using a diesel…
