From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Preparing for the exam

Preparing for the exam

- Thanks for watching my course on the Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam. I hope that you found it both interesting and helpful as you prepare to take the CISSP exam yourself. Now that you've finished the video course, I encourage you to review some other materials as you complete your preparation. If you haven't already, I suggest using the "CISSP Official Study Guide" as a reference to assist in your preparation. The "CISSP Official Practice Tests" are also a great way to prepare for the exam. Finally, when you're getting ready to take the test itself, I suggest that you first take the "CertMike CISSP Deluxe Practice Test" that's available on my website at, and it will assess your final readiness for the exam. That test uses an exam environment similar to the one that you'll face during the exam, and it provides you with a PDF score report of over 100 pages that will help you fine-tune your preparation. Also, please feel free to keep in touch with…
