From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Restricting network access

Restricting network access

- [Narrator] One of the major tasks facing security professionals is restricting access to networks. When controlling access to networks, administrators typically have two main objectives. First, they want to keep unwanted remote users out of the network entirely. This goal is known as network perimeter security, and it uses firewall technology to keep out unwanted traffic with access control lists or les. The firewalls used to do this may come from a variety of vendors. Some of the more common vendors include Cisco, Palo Alto and Checkpoint. Second, security administrators want to limit physical network access to authorized users and devices, and they do this using technology known as network access control. Before we dive into the specific technologies used to enforce network security, let's talk a bit about how we define our security policies. We need to be able to explain what we don't want on our network in technical terms before we can use security devices to enforce those…
