From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Scan configuration

Scan configuration

- [Instructor] We just ran a simple vulnerability scan, but now I'd like to explore the process of setting up a vulnerability scan in more detail. I'm back in Nessus, and I'm going to set up a new scan from scratch. I'm going to go ahead and click the new scan button, where I'm presented with a series of templates to choose from. These are pre-configured scan settings that I can choose if I don't want to set everything myself. I'd like to look at all of the options, so I'm going to select advanced scan, which allows me to choose my own scan settings. The initial screen that I see lets me enter some basic information about the scan. I can give it any name that I like. I'm going to call this one Mike's Scan, and then I could fill in a description if I wanted to, but I'm going to leave that blank for now. The most important part of this page of settings is the targets box. That's where I configure the scope of the scan. In this box, I enter the names, IP addresses, or network ranges that…
