From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Security in the hiring process

Security in the hiring process

- [Instructor] From a security perspective, hiring a new employee is one of the most important decisions that an organization can make. The insider threat is real, and organizations' employees have privileged access to all kinds of sensitive information and systems. Now, of course, it's impossible to filter out all of the bad apples, but organizations have a responsibility to ensure that security plays a prominent role in the hiring process. Spending a little extra time on security issues before hiring an employee can avoid costly mistakes down the road. Every organization should perform pre-employment screening to verify the backgrounds of potential hires. The timing and contents of this screening will vary based upon the type of organization and legal constraints in the specific state or country where the employee is hired. Some common components of pre-employment screening include checking for a criminal background in all jurisdictions where the employee has lived or worked…
