From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Threat research

Threat research

- [Narrator] We use threat intelligence to help us better understand the environment in which we operate. By understanding the motivations and capabilities of our adversaries, we can better understand how to defend our organizations against their attacks. Threat research is the process of using threat intelligence to get inside the heads of our adversaries. As we perform threat research, there are two core techniques that we can use to identify potential threats. First, reputational threat research seeks to identify actors who are known to have engaged in malicious activity in the past. If we know from our own defense mechanisms that a particular IP address, email address, or domain was used to conduct attacks against us in the past, we can use that information to block future attempts from that source to connect to our organization. We're assigning a reputation to each object we encounter to avoid allowing repeat access to someone who has proven themselves unworthy of our trust…
