From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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- [Instructor] Digital certificates allow for the secure exchange of public encryption keys over otherwise untrusted networks. Transport encryption technology, such as Transport Layer Security, or TLS, uses those certificates to facilitate secure communication over those public networks. Let's explore TLS by describing the process that two systems follow when they want to set up an encrypted session protected by TLS. First, during the client hello, the client sends a request to the server asking that the server initiate a secure session. This request includes a list of symmetric cipher suites supported by the client and a randomly generated number called the client random. Now, it's important to understand that TLS is only a protocol that uses other encryption algorithms. It is not a cryptographic algorithm itself. Therefore, you can't encrypt something with TLS. You can use TLS to apply other encryption algorithms. The listing of cipher suites sent by the client to the server is a…
