From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Transmission media

Transmission media

- [Instructor] The physical layer of networks may consist of a variety of different transmission media, all suitable for different circumstances. The beauty of a layered approach to networking is that the protocols built on top of the physical infrastructure abstracted from users. We generally don't need to worry about the physical layer unless we're specifically focused on designing, securing, and maintaining it. Let's take a look at some of the common options for transmission media. Now, no matter what transmission media we use, the goal is the same, to take the digital ones and zeros that are used in computing and convert them to some other form where they can be transferred over a distance. However, the quality of signal propagation varies significantly across these media, affecting network performance and security. The ethernet cables that we're all familiar with do this by transmitting pulses of electricity over copper wires with precise timing. If there is electricity at a…
