From the course: ISO 27001:2022-Compliant Cybersecurity: Getting Started

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Communication (Clause 7.4)

Communication (Clause 7.4)

- [Instructor] You can think of communication as the lubricant that keeps your information security management system, or ISMS, functioning smoothly. If your security expert is the only person in your organization who really understands information security, then your ISMS will seize up and fail. That's why communication is another key support of your ISMS, which I'll cover in this video. Communication requirements in ISO 27001 are covered in Clause 7.4. This is a simple clause requiring your organization to determine the relevant internal and external communication needs for your ISMS, including what to communicate, when to communicate, with whom you will communicate, who does the communications, and how the communications are done. When trying to comply with this clause, think about all the points in your ISMS where communications must happen. For instance, in order to be effective, communication must occur when…
