From the course: ISO 27001:2022-Compliant Cybersecurity: Getting Started

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Why build an ISO 27001-compliant cybersecurity program?

Why build an ISO 27001-compliant cybersecurity program?

From the course: ISO 27001:2022-Compliant Cybersecurity: Getting Started

Why build an ISO 27001-compliant cybersecurity program?

- [Instructor] I first built an ISO 27001 compliant cybersecurity program while working at a company that managed sensitive information for their clients. To demonstrate our commitment to secure information handling, I built the case for our company to get ISO 27001 certified to show our current and potential clients that we've met the requirements of this rigorous security standard. But your organization doesn't need to get certified to benefit from ISO 27001, so why comply with ISO 27001? Many organizations choose to build an ISO 27001 compliant cybersecurity program to help improve and validate their current security program. Because of its focus on continuous improvement, risk management, and the 93 security controls, complying with ISO 27001 is a good way to ensure that your organization has built and is maintaining a strong security program. Building an ISO 27001 compliant cybersecurity program can help assure the…
