From the course: IT and Cybersecurity Risk Management Essential Training

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Choosing the right IT risk management technique

Choosing the right IT risk management technique

- [Instructor] Now, which risk assessment technique should you use? First of all, if your employer already mandates an approach, then you'll need to follow that one or you'll need to make the case that another approach is justified. For example, the U.S. federal government is going to require NIST standards in most cases and European governments will default to ISO standards. A few lessons ago, I told you about a standard risk assessment technique that's contained in both NIST 800-30 and ISO 27005, but there are other risk assessment techniques you could choose. You'll find a list of 31 of them in Annex B of ISO 31010, but here are three common alternatives. First there's brainstorming, which I'm sure you've heard about before. Here's how it works. It's a group technique used to determine risks by gathering ideas spontaneously in a team meeting. All the suggestions are noted without criticism and after the…
