From the course: IT and Cybersecurity Risk Management Essential Training

Managing risk in IT

- [Kip Boyle] When I first started doing IT risk management on the job, I found it very confusing. You see, I wanted tools and a checklist telling me exactly what to do, but I wasn't given anything like that. So I asked my boss if I could go to some training. And after that two day course was over, I was more confused than ever. You see, I was stuck between using a very squishy red, yellow, green qualitative approach, or I realized I needed to go back to school to learn advanced statistics. But my biggest problem was that I had to do risk management now because my boss was expecting results sooner and not later. Hi, I'm Kip Boyle, and I have many years of paid experience doing IT risk management in many different settings. My goal here is to give you clarity and confidence. I want you on solid ground with tools and know-how so you can get great traction and deliver solid results. You have limited resources to manage unlimited IT risk, so we're going to keep it simple and practical.
