From the course: IT and Cybersecurity Risk Management Essential Training

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The role of organizational culture

The role of organizational culture

- [Instructor] In the last lesson I talked about considering the organization where you work prior to selecting a risk assessment technique. I said that formal, quantitative measurements may work best at an engineering or data intensive company, while informal qualitative measurements may work best at a company where quick, intuition based decision-making is highly valued by executive management. Not only do you need to check your risk assessment methods for fit with your organization, you also need to know how big decisions get made, because that's the process you'll use to get your IT risk decisions made. Now, once you figure out the default process, you may need to ask if you can modify it a bit. This is because operationally, most organizations are not used to making explicit IT risk decisions, even though they may make other risk decisions more carefully. So you need to find out about escalations and signing…
