From the course: IT and Cybersecurity Risk Management Essential Training

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What is IT risk?

What is IT risk?

- [Instructor] What is IT Risk Management? Well, risk is a chance of harm or loss to your computers, the data on them or the service they provide. In other words, IT risk is uncertainty about the future of your servers, databases, networks, and the services that you deliver with them. There are many serious IT risks that can have major business impacts such as losing a sale because your website is offline, when someone shows up to make a purchase. There could be delays, collecting money owed to you because the invoice database was corrupted during a routine systems upgrade, or you might have the personal information of your customers end up on the dark web because the laptop computer was stolen, or you might completely lose control of all your critical systems for weeks due to a successful ransomware attack. And there are some big questions you need to answer, like what IT risks could happen to us this year? How likely…
