From the course: IT Security Foundations: Network Security

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Luring with honeypots

Luring with honeypots

- [Educator] A honeypot is a system set up to lure a would-be attacker with the goal of observing their behavior. Organizations set up a honeypot to mimic the real target so that we can learn attack methods in order to better protect the real network. A honeypot is also used to gather forensic evidence that may be required to aid in the apprehension or prosecution of intruders. Now, where you put your honey pot will depend on your objectives. A honeypot can be inside the land to help monitor for possible insider threats. You can also put the honeypot in the DMZ so that you can receive an early warning of a possible attack. You can even put a honeypot outside the network as a tasty treat for a would-be attacker. Placing a honeypot outside the network will provide plenty of malicious attacks to observe. Now, there are some best practices when setting up a honeypot. You want to keep the system as generic as possible. You'll want to put interesting data in the system to appear as if they…
