From the course: IT Security Foundations: Network Security

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Restricting network access

Restricting network access

- [Instructor] When dealing with network security, we use the term Triple-A, which is a security model that provides authentication, authorization, and accounting. Authentication asks, who are you? You'll need to provide proof. With authorization, now that I know who you are, let's see what you're allowed to do while you're here. And with accounting, I'm going to monitor and log what you do while you're here. When providing centralized management of Triple-A, the network administrator commonly will use RADIUS or TACACS+ with an access control server. Let's compare the two. Remote access dial-in user service is used for the communication between a client and an access control server. RADIUS uses UDP as the transport protocol and combines authentication and authorization. RADIUS has more extensive accounting support than TACACS+, however, it only encrypts the passwords. Terminal access controller access control system is used as an authentication program on Unix and Linux-based systems…
