From the course: Java for All Platforms: Desktop, Web, and Mobile Development

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Creating a Spring project

Creating a Spring project

- [Narrator] Now we're going to talk about using Java server side. And what I mean by that is having Java on the backend of a web application, managing databases, web APIs, microservices, et cetera. One way to do that is by using the Spring framework, which you can find at From here, you can click the quick start button to see a tutorial on building a simple web application. We're actually going to start from here and then build on it. So I'm going to click this link to go to I'm going to leave everything on the left at the default. So Maven Project, language Java, Spring Boot 2.63, which is the current version. And then everything for a Project Metadata I'll just leave at the default. I'm going to click the add dependencies button, and then add Spring Web. And then from here, you can actually hit the generate button to download a Zip file of a folder which you can open up in IntelliJ. Once…
