From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

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A first look at Proxmox

A first look at Proxmox

Before we start using Proxmox, let's check out its interface. The top entry in the left-hand tree menu is the Datacenter. This is the overall view of the resources that we have allocated to this instance of Proxmox. In our case, we're running on just a single node. So we have just cybex shown as an expansion of the Datacenter. It has a green tick, which means it's online. We could have more nodes running in the Datacenter to increase the available resources that we can use, and these can all be accessed using this console screen. I have a home Datacenter running which has four nodes clustered into the one Datacenter, all active. And at the lower right, we can see we have 9 VMs running and 28 VMs created, but currently stopped. Okay. Let's get back to our course Datacenter. When we expand our cybex node, we can see the compute and storage resources running on that node. Currently, we just have the network and storage devices, but we'll see virtual machines and machine templates appear…
