From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

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Connecting Linux  hosts to Velociraptor

Connecting Linux hosts to Velociraptor - Purple Tutorial

From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

Connecting Linux hosts to Velociraptor

Now we have a Velociraptor server, we'll install the Velociraptor agent on the host we want to have connected. In order to do that, we need to generate a client configuration file. We're in a root session in our V-Raptor server. And so we can issue the command vraptor --config /etc/velociraptor.config.yaml and our command is config client and we want to save that in a file called client.config.yaml. We can now open a web server so that we can download the executable and configuration files to our clients. We'll have to switch off Velociraptor to do this if it's running. systemctl stop vraptor and python3 -m http.server. We're on our web01 client. So let's create the vraptor folder. mkdir vraptor and cd vraptor, and we can now copy the binary and configuration files across. wget and we can copy vraptor and we can copy. client.config.yaml. Okay. Let's set up the client to automatically start on reboot as we did for the server, but using the client start…
