From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

Installing the Wazuh SIEM - Purple Tutorial

From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

Installing the Wazuh SIEM

Wazuh started life as another elastic Kibana solution for log collection and monitoring, but has evolved into its own platform based on OpenSearch. It comes as three components; the indexer, the server, and the dashboard. I've cloned a Wazuh platform from the Kali Purple template, so let's start by making a folder for Wazuh. mkdir wazuh, cd wazuh and we'll need to get the Wazuh installer and configuration file, which we can do using wget and config.yml. We'll switch to privilege mode for the rest of the installation, sudo su. Okay. Let's make the installer executable. chmod +x and we need to update the configuration with our own IP address. nano config.yml. And all three components are on the same virtual machine, so we use the same address for all of them,, And we'll use these default names when we do the installation. Okay. We'll now use the installation script to generate a configuration tarball, which Wazuh needs. We'll use the -i switch to suppress hardware and software verification. with the -i switch. And the first thing we do is generate the config files, which is the tarball. Okay. We can now see that our config file has now changed into our installation tarball. The next thing we'll do is create the indexer component of Wazuh. Again, using the wazuh-install script with the command wazuh-indexer, and our default index name from our configuration file is node-1. This is going to install any packages that it needs and then proceed to build the indexer. It takes a fair bit of time, so we'll be patient and we'll let it run. After completing the installation of the indexer, we now need to start what's known as the cluster. So we'll run the installation script again with the command start-cluster. Okay. We'll now install the second component of Wazuh, which is the server. Run the installation script again with the command wazuh-server and the server name, which is the default wazuh-1. Okay. That's installed. So the final step now is to activate the dashboard. And, again, we do that through the installation script. With the command wazuh-dashboard and the dashboard name, which is just dashboard. Okay. That installs and starts the dashboard service and provides details of our access credentials. We'll copy the password. And will browse to or we could have done localhost. We'll accept the risk and continue and Wazuh starts up. And we can use admin and the password we've just copied and log in. Wazuh runs a series of health checks and then presents its main screen. Okay. The first thing we'll do using the menu is to go to Security, Internal users, and create an internal user. We'll set up a user called cybex and we'll use a password wzhcybex, wzhcybex. And we'll enter admin as the backend role and create. Okay. That's the server setup complete.
