From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

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Monitoring an attack with Wazuh

Monitoring an attack with Wazuh - Purple Tutorial

From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

Monitoring an attack with Wazuh

Let's run our workshop attack again, and this time monitor the activity with Wazuh. We're at the Wazuh detection screen with our monitoring set to show 15 minutes of activity and to refresh every 10 seconds. We do have some alerts showing, but these relate to routine activity on app02, which is advised due to the possibility that it may be malicious. At this stage, these are false positive alerts. We've got our script running in our Kali attack VM. So let's open a browser tab and check out our attack. Http:// And we're asked to enter our offsec, offsec credentials. And we can see the attack is at Stage 0 of 3. Okay. Let's start the attack. And we'll set the mutex to -2. And then go back and watch the Wazuh screen. The expression -2 means run the attack through to and including Stage 2, which in our case means we'll run the whole attack. We'll wait for a few seconds to let the attack Stage 1 start. Okay. We're starting to see a number of alerts pop up…
