From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

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Working with the cabby client library

Working with the cabby client library - Purple Tutorial

From the course: Kali Purple Essential Training

Working with the cabby client library

The folks at EclecticIQ provide a Python library called Cabby for interacting with the OpenTAXII server. There's plenty of examples of how we can use the Cabby library in our Python program. We'll be connecting remotely from our Kali workstation, so let's go there and install it. And we install it with sudo pip3 install cabby. The installation includes not only the Python library for us to code up our client system, but it also provides a number of command line tools to access the OpenTAXII server. Let's use one to verify we are working by listing out the discovery one advertised services. /usr/local/bin and we have a tool called taxii-discovery. And the path is and we'll be going to services, discovery. Just correct that. And we can see that we're able to interact with the OpenTAXII server. Let's now look at how we might create our own STIX reports. There's a number of commercial STIX clients and a number of sites dedicated to developing STIX clients. The…
