From the course: Kids Photography: Posed Outdoor Portraits

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Scouting a park location for the kids shoot

Scouting a park location for the kids shoot

From the course: Kids Photography: Posed Outdoor Portraits

Scouting a park location for the kids shoot

One of the first things I like to do at a location is scout the area for the session. Finding the locations I'm going to use also varies on the amount of light, the sunlight, the time of day, so we are here, it's late afternoon which should be going into the golden hour but it is a cloudy day so that changes the locations a little bit, so we'll just walk through a couple different spots that we'll use and we'll actually start over this way with an urban background, a couple of the other locations are being used. This location right here that I have chosen has green grass, lots of the trees, the fall foliage, and it also has some architectural aspects to it. Looking at locations for your own sessions and around your home, your neighborhood, just look at things that you might not, that might be everyday to you, but they can offer a fantastic photographic backgrounds. One of the spots we're going to look at right now is just a garage door and you wouldn't believe how many session I shoot…
