From the course: Landing a Job as a Skills-First Candidate

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Preparing for a skills-first Interview

Preparing for a skills-first Interview

Congratulations. You have an interview lined up with a hiring manager. You are one step closer to landing the role. I know interviews can be nerve-wracking, so preparation is key. You have a limited time to make an impact, so here are a few steps I recommend doing. Start by reaching out to the recruiter. Set up a time with them before your interview with the hiring manager to further understand the role and skills they are looking for. Recruiters have all the insider information. They know why the role is open, the impact it has on the organization, and the hiring manager's leadership style and much more. Recruiters want you to get hired, so they will often be more than happy to meet with you. Don't forget to ask for any additional documents that list out companies values, leadership principles, and the interview process. Next, spend time rereading the job description and researching the company. You want to make sure you won't be caught off guard during the interview. Hiring managers…
