From the course: Laravel: Building a CRM with Filament for Laravel

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Client creation form

Client creation form

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll start to develop our CRM by creating the client resource. We already have the migration, database table, and model created, so we can just focus on Filament. Now, we'll need to define a new resource for our clients. Remember, a Filament resource is where you define how the data is displayed, edited, and manipulated within the admin panel for a particular model. To begin, we need to define a new resource specifically for our clients. In your Laravel project, you can open the terminal and run sail, artisan make filament resource and let's call it client resource. We will use the generate flag so that the form and table definitions are based on the model's database columns and filled automatically. Filament will create a new resource file called client resource in the app Filament resources directory. Let's open the generative file. Within the file, you'll find that the form function…
