From the course: Laravel: Building a CRM with Filament for Laravel

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Exploring and installing plugins

Exploring and installing plugins

- [Instructor] Learning how to find, select, and install plugins for Filament can significantly enhance your ability to customize and extend your Laravel applications even faster, resulting in improved productivity. In our CRM, we need to schedule meetings with clients. Fortunately, there's a plugin available that can help us utilize a well-known JavaScript calendar called FullCalendar. There are many ways we can use to find plugins for Filament. The main way is to go to the plugin section of the Filament website. For this section of the course, we are going to use the FullCalendar plugin for Filament. However, at the moment, if you look for it in the Filament plugins website, it won't be listed. The Filaments team very recently implemented new rules that plugins need to follow to be listed here, which many plugins, like the FullCalendar one, has not adhered to yet. So let's find it through a search engine. I'm going to…
