From the course: Lean Foundations

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Demand-driven business

Demand-driven business

- Every aspect of your business should be focused on your customer. Speaking about Apple, Steve Jobs once said, "Our belief was that if we kept putting great products "in front of our customers, they would continue "to open their wallets." There are two really important concepts reflected in his words. The first is the focus on the customer. We know that Apple's reputation was built by using technology to make products that consumers absolutely love. It's very important to point out that Steve Jobs, Apple, and all good companies have a focus on the end customer, the final customer, the one who is actually using your product. Probably no one had a feel for what that customer would want more than Steve Jobs. He believed that getting close to the customer was essential to innovation, knowing what his customers would buy. Jobs believed you should get closer than ever to the customer, so close in fact that you tell them…
