From the course: Lean Foundations

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Lean workstations

Lean workstations

- [Instructor] Do you ever need to fix something around your house or your apartment? Most of us do at some time or another. And if you're like me, you spend more time looking for the tool you need than actually doing the repair job. That's frustrating, and at work, that's more than frustrating. That's very inefficient. Fortunately, Lean has a tool that helps for that situation. It's one of the five Ss, a very important aspect of the Lean approach. Taiichi Ohno, the founder of the Toyota Production System once asked, "Why not make the work easier so the person doesn't have to sweat?" That's what the five Ss are all about, making it easier to do the job. And you do that by creating and maintaining workstations that are clean, organized, and efficient. The five Ss are derived from five Japanese words that begin with the letter S. And lucky for us, they translate to five English language words that also begin with S.…
