From the course: Lean Foundations

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The elegant solution

The elegant solution

- "Customers don't want products and services, they want solutions to problems. And when it comes to solutions, simple is better." That quote is from Matthew E. May, and advisor to the University of Toyota and the author of a terrific book titled, "The Elegant Solution." Mr. May goes on to say that elegant is even better than simple. An elegant solution is one in which the optimal outcome is reached with the least amount of effort. In other words, with the simplest approach to getting the job done. Toyota's view of simplicity is at the heart of lean practices and principles. Elegant solutions solve the problem without creating other problems that must be solved. Toyota applies this view of elegance in everything they do. But elegance is best illustrated in their approach to innovation and innovative products. Toyota concentrates on continuous improvements in small incremental steps, the concept of Kaizen, rather than…
