From the course: Lean Foundations

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The principle of ideality

The principle of ideality

From the course: Lean Foundations

The principle of ideality

- You've heard this in just about every problem solving meeting at work. Your boss says he needs everyone to think outside the box. Challenging problems need innovative solutions, right? I love this quote from the author Deepak Chopra, who said, "Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box." Sometimes to truly understand your business process, that's exactly what you must do. Let me introduce you to the principle of ideality, which I discovered some time ago from the BPTrends organization. The principle of ideality states that the most ideal solution is one that does not exist, or for the most part, one that does not exist now. The ideal solution is one that is accepted without barriers. To describe this principle, I'll use a car as an example and I'll ask myself three simple questions. First, what's the purpose of a car? What does someone use a car for? Well, many of us use our cars to go shopping or to travel…
