From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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3D concurrent engineering

3D concurrent engineering

- A good system shortens the road to the goal. This excellent quote comes from an American author you probably never heard of. His name was Orison Swett Marden and he wrote exclusively about how to be successful. In fact, in 1897, he began publishing Success Magazine. Mr. Marden is telling you that the path to success is first to identify the elements needed to reach your goal, and then, create a system in which all those parts work together to achieve that goal. The key is to look not at each element individually, but to look at them together as a whole. Today, this is called systems thinking. Now, how does this apply to lean inventory management? The concept is called 3D or three-dimensional concurrent engineering. And you apply this concept specifically to the process of developing new products. New product development is traditionally done in three distinct stages. First, a new product is designed by a team of engineers. After your product is created, the second stage is to…
