From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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- Man, I really need to get organized. How many times have you said that? You know your job is a lot easier if you approach it in an organized manner and being organized starts with your work center whether it's a factory workstation or an office desk. Lean totally agrees with you. In fact, lean principles include the practice of the five S's which are designed to help you be organized and make it easier for you to do your job. The five S's are derived from five Japanese words that begin with the letter S and they translate to five English words that also begin with S. The first practice is sort. Determine what is needed for you to do your job and remove anything that is not needed. This applies to a factory as well as each workstation. It applies to an entire office building as well as each cubicle and desk. After you have sorted out what you need, the next practice is to set in order. Arrange materials and tools so that they are easy to find when needed. The third practice is shine.…
