From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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Continuously improve

Continuously improve

- I'm sure most of you work in a continuous improvement environment. Companies realize they must improve daily just to keep up with their competition and the changing expectations of their customers. Jessica Savitch, a US news broadcaster once said, "No matter how many goals you have achieved, "you must set your sights on a higher one." That's the essence of Kaizen, which is a Japanese word meaning continuous improvement. The idea is that all employees in the company work together to get better everyday. Everyone's goal is to make steady, incremental improvements to their business processes. Kaizen started on the factory floor, but most companies today recognize that every department should be working toward steady improvement. Regardless of where you work, perfecting your processes will improve company performance. And that's where inventory management comes in. Because inventory control is such a critical factor for success, it should be incorporated into every Kaizen effort. Before…
