From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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Deliver on time

Deliver on time

- Williams Shakespeare once said that it is "better to be three hours too soon "than to be one minute too late." In most situations, I totally agree, but when it comes to inventory Mr. Shakespeare is wrong. Gone are the days when companies will accept inventory deliveries early. But certainly, companies don't want late deliveries to interrupt their schedules and cause them to miss customer due dates. Today, everyone wants inventory delivered just in time. Just in time, or JIT, means exactly that: deliver when I need it, not before and not after. To do this, many companies have adopted an agile supply chain, one that focuses on fast responses to customer demand. This is done in two ways. First, establish your facilities as close to your customer as possible so that your transportation time is reduced. For example, if you distribute products to retail stores and your number one customer has a lot of outlets in Los Angeles, you might lease a warehouse there. When a store places an order,…
