From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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Embrace quality at the source

Embrace quality at the source

- "It takes less time to do a thin right "than to explain why you did it wrong." That's a great quote. And you would think it comes from some management guru like Peter Drucker, or a quality expert like Philip Crosby. But this came from the great American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who lived in the 1800s. Longfellow is saying that quality is your responsibility. Quality is everyone's responsibility. The Lean philosophy agrees. This Lean principal is called quality at the source, which means that each individual is responsible for the quality of their own work. If you do it right, you don't need anyone to inspect your work because you are your own inspector. You don't allow a defect to pass from your work center to someone else. In a production factory, for example, if something is wrong with any part of the process, the entire line is shut down until the problem is resolved. In a distributions center, orders are correct before going out to the customer. In a purchasing…
