From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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Establish a lean culture

Establish a lean culture

- Successful people never reach their goals alone. I've seen this quote used as the title for many recent online blogs and articles. They are talking about mentoring, advising, and training a younger associate. It's quite common in the business world. Mentoring can help you establish a corporate culture that embraces lean inventory management. In lean terminology, mentoring is done through the senpai-kohai relationship. These are the Japanese words for senior and junior. The senior member of this relationship can be someone who is older, or it can be someone who simply has more experience, perhaps even an expert in a particular subject. By putting lean inventory management as a top priority in all mentoring activities, it won't take long to establish this as part of your corporate culture. If senior managers keep a focus on inventory in their conversations, it becomes second nature for junior employees to consider inventory before making process changes and business decisions. Another…
