From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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Know your inventory

Know your inventory

- "There are three kinds of leaders. "Those that tell you what to do. "Those that allow you to do what you want. "And lean leaders that come down to the work "and help you figure it out." That thought comes from John Shook, and author and leading expert on lean management. He perfectly describes the lean practice of gemba, which is the Japanese word for go see. The basic principle here is for top managers to get out of their office and see what is going on in their organization. Don't just rely on reports, meetings, and business presentations. Go see what is actually happening in the workplace. This principles isn't new to American managers. Many top US companies have employed management by walking around since the 1980s, when a business book made this very popular. The practice can be very informal. I knew a vice-president at Avnet electronics a few years ago. Avnet has a rather relaxed culture, one in which executives get their own coffee. They took advantage of this by locating the…
