From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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Level preventive maintenance schedules

Level preventive maintenance schedules

From the course: Lean Inventory Management

Level preventive maintenance schedules

- Machines break, and when they break it's usually at the worst possible time. Your car breaks down on the way to work. A factory machine stops running in the middle of an order for your most important customer. You try to prevent these problems by taking care of your car and your machines. You change the oil in your car so it will not break down on the way to work. Likewise, you perform preventive maintenance on your factory machines to ensure those important jobs aren't interrupted. So preventive maintenance is a good thing. But at the same time, it's a bad thing. Because each time you stop a machine, you disrupt the smooth flow of production through your factory. For that period of time, the machine has no output. Rather quickly, the downstream machines have no material to process. Production abruptly stops. So, the longer a machine is down for preventive maintenance, the more this disrupts heijunka, the lean concept of having a level and smooth flow of output. Here's an example. A…
