From the course: Lean Inventory Management

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Manage supplier inventories

Manage supplier inventories

- Companies no longer compete against companies. Supply chains compete against supply chains. As someone who has taught supply chain management courses for 17 years, I certainly endorse this notion. But what does this mean exactly? Your supply chain is made up of your company and all the other companies you partner with to deliver products and services to your customers. Those other companies include suppliers of materials and parts to your factory, retailers who sell your products to consumers, and trucking companies that move your goods through the system. Because you are so dependent upon these partners for your success, it's the capabilities of the entire team, your supply chain, that make you competitive. Companies like Unilever, Cisco, and Intel maintain the world's top supply chains year after year, continuously strengthening their position in the marketplace. Especially in today's global business environment, with key partners and customers all around the world, supply chains…
