From the course: Lean Six Sigma: Define and Measure Tools

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- Remember the last time you had to rework or redo a task? Or worse, redo someone else's work? Or when you had to search for paperwork to complete a customer order? Or expedite, work overtime and hurry up only to wait and be delayed at the very next step? Bottom line, let's just say what you've experienced is simply not lean. Lean is the philosophy that's all about the elimination of waste and maximizing value to customers. For example, if you see an extra charge in your invoice because where house personnel spent five hours to locate your item would you pay for that? Of course not. It is of no value to you. Waste is anything that's of no value or adds no value for customers. Waste comes in many forms. There are eight types of waste. In one of my other courses I mentioned the acronym Tim Woods can be used. T for transport, I for inventory, M for motion, W for waiting, O of overproduction, O for overprocessing, D for defects and S for skills underutilized. For more explanation on each…
