From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Quality at the source

Quality at the source

- Henry Ford expressed it quite well when he said that, "Quality is doing it right when no one is looking." To me, that's the essence of the concept of quality at the source. If you do it right, you do not need anyone to inspect your work. The inspection step is no longer needed in the process. A non-value added activity can now be eliminated, which further helps you to streamline the process. Stopping a production line is not something one takes lightly. Bringing production to a complete halt and then starting it up again is a very costly thing to do. Toyota's production system astonished the manufacturing world when they authorized any person on the assembly line to stop production if they saw a quality problem. Not the manager, not the supervisor, but the line operator, all he had to do was pull a cord. This ability truly allows quality at the source. Each individual is responsible for the quality of their work and does not under any circumstances, allow a defect to pass on to the…
